When you open a grocery store business with Save A Lot, you can count on us to help you find just the right location. Finding the perfect location is crucial to any new business. Visibility and accessibility to your target customers can make or break the investment. Here, get an inside look at a few of the factors Save A Lot considers when helping our retail partners find the right spaces for their new grocery stores.
#1. Central Areas of a Community
You’ll want to open a grocery store business in a place that lots of people visit or pass by regularly. A central location that’s accessible by main roads and public transportation is a must. Proximity to other establishments like schools, restaurants, and retail stores is a great way to make things easier for customers who are in the area anyway.
#2. Shopping Centers
Along these lines, opening your doors in a shopping center is a great way to increase visibility and convenience for your customers. If they’re in a neighboring store to repair a smartphone or pick up dry cleaning, making a quick grocery shopping trip is especially easy.
#3. The Right Proximity to Competition
Save A Lot has lots of competitive advantages that compel customers to choose us over other grocery stores. Convenience is one of the top reasons – our stores are often less than 15,000 square feet, making it easy to find what they need. Great discounts are another reason.
When you open any grocery store business, it’s essential to keep your competitive advantages in mind when deciding where to set up shop in proximity to other stores. Sometimes, opening your doors nearby can help you win over your customers. Other times, putting some space between stores allows you to develop an entirely new customer base.
When you partner with Save A Lot, we’ll do demographic research on your area to determine which option is best.
#4. Cost-Effective Locations
Having been in business since 1977, we’ve learned a few things about how to make a grocery store profitable. One of the most important considerations is your real estate budget. After all, if you spend too much, you risk eating into your profits. Our team can also help when it comes to choosing a location at the right price.
These are just a few location considerations to keep in mind when you open a grocery store business. Contact Save A Lot today to learn more about how we support licensees throughout the process of choosing a location.